增韧 耐寒PA6 -30℃ ST3660 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下30度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
增韧 耐寒PA6 -30℃ ST3660 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下30度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
HACOWAY®尼龙树脂的共同特点包括机械和物理性能,如高机械强度、良好的刚度和韧性平衡、良好的高温性能、良好的电气和易燃性、良好的耐磨性和耐化学性。HACOWAY®尼龙树脂有不同的改性和增强等级。 Extreme low temperature
Common features of HACOWAY® nylon resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength,excellent balance of stiffness and toughness,good high temperature performance,good electrical and flammability properties,good abrasion and chemical resistance.¥ 0.00立即购买
增韧 耐寒PA6 -50℃ ST3610 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下50度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
增韧 耐寒PA6 -50℃ ST3610 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下50度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
HACOWAY®尼龙树脂的共同特点包括机械和物理性能,如高机械强度、良好的刚度和韧性平衡、良好的高温性能、良好的电气和易燃性、良好的耐磨性和耐化学性。HACOWAY®尼龙树脂有不同的改性和增强等级。 Extreme low temperature
Common features of HACOWAY® nylon resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength,excellent balance of stiffness and toughness,good high temperature performance,good electrical and flammability properties,good abrasion and chemical resistance.¥ 0.00立即购买
增韧 耐寒PA6 -40℃ ST3680 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下40度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
增韧 耐寒PA6 -40℃ ST3680 NC010 BK HACOWAY 零下40度 高冲击 高刚性 High lmpact/Nylon6
HACOWAY®尼龙树脂的共同特点包括机械和物理性能,如高机械强度、良好的刚度和韧性平衡、良好的高温性能、良好的电气和易燃性、良好的耐磨性和耐化学性。HACOWAY®尼龙树脂有不同的改性和增强等级。 Extreme low temperature
Common features of HACOWAY® nylon resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength,excellent balance of stiffness and toughness,good high temperature performance,good electrical and flammability properties,good abrasion and chemical resistance.¥ 0.00立即购买
红磷防火 加纤40% PA6 40GF F30G8R NC010 BK HACOWAY 高强度 高刚性 Red phosphorus Nylon6 Reinforced
红磷防火 加纤40% PA6 40GF F30G8R NC010 BK HACOWAY 高强度 高刚性 Red phosphorus Nylon6 Reinforced
HACOWAY®尼龙树脂的共同特点包括机械和物理性能,如高机械强度、良好的刚度和韧性平衡、良好的高温性能、良好的电气和易燃性、良好的耐磨性和耐化学性。HACOWAY®尼龙树脂有不同的改性和增强等级。 Extreme low temperature
Common features of HACOWAY® nylon resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength,excellent balance of stiffness and toughness,good high temperature performance,good electrical and flammability properties,good abrasion and chemical resistance.¥ 0.00立即购买